What Are the Most Common Dental Emergency Procedures?

February 4, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — crsmile @ 8:25 pm
tooth extraction illustration

A dental emergency is stressful and there’s no such thing as a convenient time to face one. With as much uncertainty and discomfort as you are feeling, it is understandable to have anxiety as well. Even though each case is different, your emergency dentist in Rock Hill shares some of the most common treatments so you have a better idea of what to expect when an unforeseen incident occurs.


When a tooth is severely decayed or damaged and your dentist is unable to save it with a root canal, they may have no other choice than to extract it. This is actually a very common procedure. Fortunately, you have several tooth replacement options to consider afterward, such as dental implants and bridges.

Tooth Reattachment

If you’ve had your tooth knocked out due to an accident or injury, it is incredibly important that you see your emergency dentist as soon as possible so they will have a chance to reattach it. You need to gently clean the tooth with water, place it back in the socket, and call your dentist to let them know you’re coming in (ideally within the hour). They will then attempt to reattach it in the proper position.


If you have lost your old filling or have a new cavity, your emergency dentist is likely to opt for a filling. This involves drilling away the decayed portion of the tooth, cleaning it up, and filling it with a tooth-colored composite resin. This is another very common dental procedure and will get your oral health on the road to recovery in no time.

Root Canal Therapy

If you have a serious toothache, no matter what the cause, your dentist may be able to treat it with root canal therapy. Even though root canals get a bad rep for being painful, with modern dental advancements they usually aren’t any worse than a deep filling. In fact, root canals will relieve much of the pain you are feeling. The procedure involves your dentist removing the decayed part of your tooth as well as the nerves and blood supply located in the center. Afterward, they will fill and seal it. Often, they will also place a crown over the affected tooth for an optimal outcome.

A dental emergency can seem scary but try not to make it worse by being fearful of the treatment you need. Your emergency dentist performs the aforementioned treatments often and has the expertise to help your smile get back on track!

About the Practice

At Coombs & Ross Family Dentistry, we have been working hard for smiles in the Rock Hill area for more than 20 years now. Our practice prioritizes quality work so that you and your loved ones can trust our experience and dedication to patient satisfaction. We hope it never happens, but should you ever face a dental emergency, we are ready to help. We have experienced dentists utilizing the latest technology and same-day appointments are available. You can schedule one on our website or by calling (803) 592-6201.

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