Tips for Eating & Drinking After All-On-4 Surgery

November 7, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — crsmile @ 8:30 pm
colorful smoothies to drink after all-on-4 dental implants in Rock Hill

Are you planning to have all your missing teeth replaced with All-On-4 dental implants in Rock Hill? If so, congratulations! All-On-4 is an excellent way for people who have suffered from extensive tooth loss for a long time to regain a full, healthy, and strong smile. Your new smile will be supported by four strategically placed dental implants, which need to be placed via a minor oral surgery. Afterwards, it’s essential that you modify your diet a bit to ensure healing goes smoothly and successfully! Here are some tips to keep in mind about eating and drinking after all-on-4 surgery.

The Basics Of Recovering from All-On-4 Surgery

Oral surgery may sound daunting at first, but there’s no need to worry. The procedure is relatively straightforward: your implant dentist will provide sedation and local numbing medication to ensure your comfort. Then, they’ll make four small incisions in your gums to reach your jawbone, where the four dental implants will be precisely placed. Then, the gums are closed and your new denture is securely placed on top.

Over the next several months, your jawbone will undergo a process called osseointegration, wherein it integrates with the new dental implants. In the meantime, it will only take you a few days to a week to recover from All-On-4 surgery. Your implant dentist will go over specific instructions with you, such as how to clean around the surgical site and how to manage discomfort. They’ll also provide some guidelines on what and how to eat for the next few weeks.

What’s On the Menu?

You’ll need to stick to a diet of soft, nutritious foods and drinks while you recover from All-On-4 dental implant surgery. Consider stocking your kitchen with options like:

  • Broth and pureed soup
  • Pasta and mashed potatoes
  • Eggs and apple sauce
  • Yogurt and cottage cheese
  • Water, milk, and protein shakes
  • Ice cream or frozen yogurt with no mix-ins

You’ll be able to add harder and crunchier foods to your diet as you feel ready to do so, but in the beginning, stick to soft snacks.

Tips & Tricks for Post-Op Eating

There are a few things you’ll need to keep in mind as you eat after your dental implant surgery. After all, how you eat is just as important as what you eat! Directly after your dental implant surgery, you should avoid eating or drinking anything besides water until the numbness in your mouth has fully worn off. As the numbing medication fades, start off with lukewarm beverages. Don’t drink through a straw and avoid drinks that are hot, carbonated, or alcoholic, as this can irritate the surgical site. The day after your dental implant surgery, you can begin eating your soft foods. Crunchy, hard, and sticky foods can be quite uncomfortable and difficult to eat right after your dental implant surgery, so avoid foods that have small grains, nuts, or gummy parts.

In about a month, you’ll be able to eat all of your favorite foods thanks to your new All-On-4 dental implants! In the meantime, keep these eating tips and tricks in mind for a smooth and quick recovery.

About the Practice

Coombs, Ross, & Sourlis Family Dentistry is dedicated to providing high-quality dentistry for the smiles of Rock Hill and the surrounding communities. We firmly believe that dental implants are the best option for replacing missing teeth, which is why we partner with local dental implant specialists during the placement of All-On-4 dental implants. Our team will be with you every step of the way to answer your questions and help your recovery go smoothly. If you have more questions about eating and drinking after All-On-4 dental implants, feel free to reach us online or at (803) 592-6201.

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