Is it Worth it to Attach Dentures to Dental Implants?

January 26, 2021

Filed under: Uncategorized — crsmile @ 7:44 pm
An older couple smiling after receiving implant-retained denture.

If you’ve been wearing dentures for a long time, you’ve probably had time to get used to them day-to-day. However, if you’ve noticed that they don’t quite fit as well as they used to, you may want to consider other options for your future smile. One of the most popular options today is implant-retained dentures in Rock Hill, and for good reason. Keep reading to learn more about the benefits of choosing dental implants to replace teeth (and the downsides of dentures that you can avoid!)

Why Dentures are Often Short-Lived

While dentures are seen as an affordable, yet comprehensive solution for replacing missing teeth, they generally don’t last as long as other tooth replacement methods. This is largely because the moment teeth are lost, the remaining bone tissue inside the jaw begins to break down and deteriorate. As a result, the overall shape of the jaw changes, causing the denture that may have previously fit to come loose.

Not only does an ill-fitting denture make it difficult to speak, chew food, and live life to the fullest, but it can actually lead to oral health problems later in life. For example, those who wear ill-fitting dentures for too long can develop sores and uncomfortable blisters in their mouth. This is also accompanied by general soreness, making basic tasks far more difficult than they should be.

These problems don’t occur when your prosthesis has a proper foundation. That’s where dental implants come in.

How Implants Make Your Denture Better

Instead of relying on denture adhesive and the shape of your mouth to stay in place, you can use dental implants instead! Dental implants are titanium posts that integrate with existing bone tissue in order to both remain stable and last for decades at a time. A denture can easily attach to these implants, ensuring that no slipping or shifting occurs.

Of course, the benefits don’t stop there. Since the implants are stimulating the jaw’s bone tissue, you can expect your biting strength to also be dramatically improved. This makes chewing certain foods significantly easier, even if they are tough and chewy in nature. Unfortunately, that can’t be said for dentures.

Should You Choose Implant-Retained Dentures?

The best way to determine if dental implants are right for you is to complete an in-person consultation with a dentist. Implant-retained dentures are ideal for those who are missing most or all of their teeth as well as have sufficient oral health to receive them safely.

To find out the best way to upgrade your tooth replacement, schedule an appointment with a dentist today!

About Coombs & Ross Family Dentistry

The dentists at Coombs & Ross Family Dentistry use the latest technology to plan your dental implant treatment, ensuring that your tooth replacement is completely successful no matter how many teeth you intend to replace. With decades of experience between them, Dr. Coombs and Dr. Ross look forward to giving you a denture that you can rely on. To schedule an implant consultation with their office, you can contact them through their website.

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