Safety Tips for Preventing Dental Emergencies This Back-To-School Season

August 4, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — crsmile @ 6:48 pm
Child smiling and following others onto a school bus.

Class is back in session! It’s finally back-to-school season, and you’re probably scrambling to get your little one ready for the new school year. But while you’re busy buying new clothes and supplies and figuring out the logistics of everything, something to be mindful of is the possibility of your child experiencing a dental emergency at school. Here are four tips from your dentist in Rock Hill for preventing dental emergencies and keeping your child’s smile healthy and bright as they return to the classroom this fall.

Tip #1: Replace Your Child’s Toothbrush

According to the American Dental Association, you should replace your toothbrush every 3 to 4 months; and the same goes for your child’s brush! Older, worn brushes with frayed bristles are more abrasive on your teeth and less effective at removing plaque from them and around the gumline. That said, a good toothbrush can go a long way towards preventing serious oral health problems from unexpectedly developing inside your child’s mouth and causing emergencies.

Tip #2: Provide a Well-Balanced Diet for Your Child

Anything that your child eats can have a large impact on their oral health, so providing them with a healthy and well-balanced diet can easily prevent serious dental emergencies that result from untreated issues like tooth decay and gum disease—which are caused by sugary and acidic foods! Consider plenty of vitamin-rich fruits and vegetables, lean proteins, complex carbs, and healthy fats for your child’s diet.

Tip #3: Encourage Your Child to Practice Sports Safety

Dental emergencies like chipped, cracked, or even knocked-out teeth aren’t uncommon in children, especially if they participate often in sports or physical activities. Investing in a mouthguard for your child is a great way to prevent many of the teeth- and gum-related injuries that could occur. You can also receive a custom-fitted mouthguard from your dentist that offers your child even more protection than the average mouthguard.

Tip #4: Schedule Regular Dental Checkups for Your Child

You should take your child to visit your dentist before kicking off the school year; these visits are what allows their dentist to clean their teeth of plaque buildup and tartar. This actively helps to prevent oral health issues like cavities and gum disease, which can often escalate if left untreated. It also allows their dentist to scope out any underlying issues that could potentially worsen down the road; prevention and early detection is crucial when it comes to preventing dental emergencies!

Your child’s education matters—and preventing dental emergencies this school year can ensure that they have academic success and a bright, healthy smile.

About the Practice

Coombs & Ross Family Dentistry proudly serves patients and families in the Rock Hill, SC area under the leadership of Dr. Paul Coombs and Dr. William Ross. Together they combine decades of experience to provide their patients with an exceptional level of dental care. Their practice is pleased to offer many available services including emergency dentistry. If you or a loved one is suffering from a dental emergency, don’t hesitate to schedule an appointment: (803) 592-6201.

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