What Is It Like to Have a Tooth Extracted?

February 13, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — crsmile @ 6:52 pm

While you can rest assured that your dentist will not recommend tooth extraction without an excellent reason, it’s understandable that you’d be anxious about being scheduled to have one. Teeth are extracted because they fail to emerge properly, they are injured or infected beyond saving, or because there is not enough room in the mouth to accommodate them. At times, it can even be an emergency dental treatment. Here’s a brief guide of what to expect during and after a tooth extraction to help alleviate some of the associated anxiety.

What Is a Tooth Extraction Like?

When you come in to have a tooth extracted, your dentist or oral surgeon will begin the process by numbing the tooth with local or general anesthesia, rendering the whole procedure completely painless. Once this is completed, your dentist or oral surgeon will use elevators and extraction forceps to work the tooth out of the socket. However, they may have to make an incision in the gums and use more specialized tools for more complex cases. They may also have to remove bone fragments or spurs.

Once the tooth has been successfully removed, the surgical site will be cleaned and the gum tissue may be closed with stitches. Gauze will be placed over the area to control any bleeding. Due to the effects of the anesthesia, you will need a trusted individual to drive you home from the office after the procedure.

What Is Recovering from a Tooth Extraction Like?

You’ll need to take excellent care of the surgical site to ensure that it heals properly. A blood clot will form over the wound shortly after the procedure, but if it fails to do so or falls off, the patient will experience a severely painful condition called dry socket. To keep your recovery going smoothly, follow your aftercare instructions to the letter and refrain from smoking or drinking with a straw to prevent dry socket.

Some discomfort is expected after extraction, but this can be managed through pain medication prescribed by your dentist. Treating the area with an ice pack for about twenty minutes of the time can help ease pain and reduce swelling. Continue to brush and floss regularly while taking care to be gentle around the affected area and contact your dentist if you experience increasing pain or swelling over the days or weeks following the procedure.

Knowing what to expect from a tooth extraction can take some of the edge off of the process. By following your dentist’s aftercare instructions, you can keep your recovery time brief so you can get back to your normal life sooner.

About the Practice

Coombs, Ross, & Sourlis Family Dentistry delivers top-notch dental services to the good people of Rock Hill, SC. Led by Drs. Coombs, Ross, and Sourlis, the staff ensures that each patient receives the high-quality oral healthcare that they deserve. Areas of expertise include general, restorative, cosmetic, and emergency dentistry as well as tooth extraction services. To learn more about aftercare for tooth extractions, contact the office online or dial (803) 592-6201.

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