How Have Dentures Evolved Over Time?

September 21, 2020

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Image of complete dentures in Rock Hill.Your teeth are meant to last for a lifetime, but that’s not a reality for many Americans. In fact, at least 35 million adults have lost all their teeth in one or both arches. Traditionally, dentures in Rock Hill are used to treat complete tooth loss. Although they have a bad reputation for looking and feeling fake, they’ve come a long way over the years. Since first appearing around 700 BC, dentures have evolved quite a bit. Nowadays, they are more realistic than ever to give you a beautiful, functional smile.

Evolution of Dentures

Dentures have been found throughout history; however, they didn’t look like what you picture today. Instead, they typically used a material inserted into the space of a missing tooth, like carved stone or seashells. Over time, complete dentures emerged, which were made of wood. This style of denture was used until the 19th century before being replaced with ivory. Unfortunately, ivory stained and gave off a foul odor. Not to mention, they were quite uncomfortable to wear.

As tooth loss became more prominent in the 1800s, dentures were in high demand. Often, teeth were extracted from criminals and sold to replace those that were missing. In 1774, a British physician created the first pair of porcelain dentures; however, they chipped easily. In 1829, the first set of modern dentures were created using porcelain teeth and gold plates featuring swings and swivels. This allows them to work more naturally.

Advancements of Modern Dentures

Although porcelain was effective, it is expensive. As a result, the average person couldn’t afford dentures. As an alternative, hardened rubber was used to create a base for the denture, which was cheaper than gold plates. This also allowed the base to be molded to the gums to improve their fit. The material can also be customized in many different shades to help recreate your natural smile.

Nowadays, an acrylic resin is used to provide a secure, custom-fit. While traditional dentures are more realistic than ever, they still have their limitations. As an alternative, many patients are choosing to stabilize their dentures with dental implants. 4 to 10 titanium dental implant posts are surgically placed into the jawbone to act as tooth roots. This stabilizes the denture to eliminate slipping and irritation to give you a nearly perfect replica of your natural smile.

Rebuild a Beautiful, Complete Smile

If you’ve experienced tooth loss, you have more options than ever to rebuild your smile. Your dentist in Rock Hill will perform a thorough consultation to ensure you’re a candidate for a traditional denture or an implant-retained solution. You can benefit from results that look and feel natural using the latest innovations in dentistry.

About Dr. Paul Coombs

Dr. Paul Coombs earned his dental degree from the Medical University of South Carolina and earned his Fellowship in the Academy of General Dentistry. He has completed advanced training in many areas of specialty to treat complex issues, like tooth loss. If you’re missing teeth, contact our office today to schedule your consultation for dentures.

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