Start the Year Off Right with a Dental Checkup and Cleaning!

January 4, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — crsmile @ 7:34 pm
man getting dental checkup

We’ve officially made it to 2022! Have you started working on your New Year’s resolutions? For many people, health is often the biggest priority as they begin a new year. Even though your resolutions may revolve around weight loss or breaking bad habits, you should consider focusing on your dental health. Not only can doing so positively impact your overall quality of life, but it can improve your appearance as well. Read on to learn why you should schedule your next dental checkup with your dentist in Rock Hill early in the year!

Why Should You Schedule a Dental Checkup Early in the Year?

Everyone should be seeing their dentist in Rock Hill twice a year for a dental checkup and cleaning. These preventive visits are essential to prevent, detect, and treat problems before they become complications. It’s worth noting that patients who use orthodontia or have conditions like gum disease will need to visit their dentist more frequently.

If you can’t remember the last time you went in for a dental checkup, you should schedule one right away, preferably early in the new year. Sticking to a pattern of scheduled checkups and cleanings will not only make your dental care cost less, but you’ll have fewer complications in the long run. When it comes to problems with your teeth and gums, early identification is the key to smooth treatment.

What to Expect During Your Dental Checkup

Has it been a while since you last saw your dentist in Rock Hill? Here’s what to expect at your upcoming dental checkup:

Questions About Your Medical History

During your appointment, your dental team will ask questions about your oral and overall health. They’ll want to know about your at-home dental care routine, medications, health conditions, and personal habits (i.e., smoking and alcohol consumption). It’s incredibly important that you’re truthful with your answers as they’re solid grounding for developing a treatment plan that works for you.

Physical Examination

After reviewing your medical history, a dentist in Rock Hill will carefully examine your teeth, gums, jaw, and facial structures. They may even use an X-ray machine to help identify underlying issues that cannot be seen with the naked eye.

Dental Cleaning

Following your checkup, you’ll receive a professional dental cleaning. Your dentist will remove any plaque and tartar (a substance that causes tooth decay and can only be cleaned by a professional) that remains on your teeth. Once those harmful substances have been removed, your teeth will be polished to ensure they shine bright!

Oral Cancer Screening

Since there has been an increase in the number of oral cancer cases in recent years, several dentists have started to add a screening to their dental exams. If oral cancer is not caught early enough, it can quickly spread and become life-threatening. However, the disease is easily treatable with early detection.

Don’t neglect your oral health this year. Start 2022 on the right foot by scheduling your next dental checkup right away!

About the Practice

At Coombs & Ross Family Dentistry, we have helped countless patients achieve their best smiles for well over two decades now. Our highly skilled and dedicated team strives to give each patient a unique, enjoyable, and outstanding dental experience unlike anywhere else. If you want to schedule a dental checkup, visit our website or call (803) 592-6201.

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