Taking Out Terror: 4 Tips for Overcoming a Fear of Tooth Extractions

April 4, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — crsmile @ 3:50 pm
A scared woman looking at her dentist

It’s only natural to feel a bit scared of tooth extraction. After all, adult teeth should be permanent; to have them removed can sound risky. Still, your anxiety doesn’t have to prevent treatment. There are ways you could overcome your tooth removal phobia. They’d let you undergo extraction work with peace of mind. In fact, let your Rock Hill dentist tell you about them. Here are four great tips for conquering a fear of tooth extractions.

Know What to Expect

People tend to fear what they don’t understand. So, learn what to expect from your upcoming tooth extraction. Having that knowledge should ease your worries.

Rest assured, your dentist can (and will) answer your questions before treatment. They’re even glad to do so – they want you prepared for the procedure. To that extent, they can walk you through the extraction process from start to finish. You’ll then have more confidence to undergo tooth removal.

Trust That It’ll Help

Aside from the treatment process, it also helps to grasp why you need an extraction. Doing so assures you that your procedure is the right choice. Therefore, note that extractions help when you suffer one (or more) of the following:

  • A tooth irreparably damaged by extensive decay or an abscess
  • A traumatic injury, such as a fracture beneath the gumline
  • Advanced gum disease that compromises your jaw, loosening teeth as a result

Use Relaxation Tricks

Just as treatment starts, your fears may crowd out helpful knowledge. There’s no shame in that – anxiety tends to creep in unexpectedly. Even so, you can still keep calm by using relaxation tricks.

You see, various techniques can help you relax when you’re stressed. One option is a simple breathing exercise where you slowly inhale, hold your breath, and exhale. Another idea is to briefly practice meditation before driving to your appointment. It could quiet your mind and give you a new perspective on your treatment.

Bring a Companion

When all else fails, having a loved one nearby can soothe much stress. Consider bringing a good friend or family member to your extraction session.

Remember, the right companion can reassure you in harsh times. Seeing them at your side during treatment would relieve your worries. Plus, they could drive you home if you receive dental sedation or anesthesia at the visit. They’d thus be filling two roles at once.

A fear of tooth extractions shouldn’t hold you back from getting them. So, use the tips above and consult your dentist for further guidance.

About the Practice

Coombs, Ross & Sourlis Family Dentistry is based in Rock Hill, SC. Led by its three excellent and experienced dentists, our practice gives each patient quality dental care. We thus offer preventive, cosmetic, and restorative options, all of which are tailored to your unique smile. Our dental team is also equipped to perform tooth extractions and dental sedation services. For more details or to book a visit, you can reach us on our website or by phone at (803)-592-6201.

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